Posts Tagged ‘Religion’


Posted: 2 November, 2010 in Sin categoría
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Faith not proven may be a genuine faith, but it is certainly a weak faith, and probably while it’s not tested is gonna remain dwarf.

Faith never prospers more than when all things are contrary: the storms are his coaches and lightning are its illuminators.

When the sea is calm, stretching sails as you like, the ship will not march toward the port cuz’ in a slept sea the keel sleeps too. Let the winds blow furiously and the water churning,  it’s how the ship can reach the desired port, although it might be swaying from side to side, and although the cover is flush with the waves and the mast creaks under the pressure of the inflated sails.

No flower has a blue  as beautiful as those that grow at the foot of the icy glaciers. No star shines brighter than those that shine in the polar sky, no water has a more pleasant taste that the one that runs through the desert sand, and no faith is as precious as the one who lives and triumphs in adversity.

Proven faith brings  experience. If you hadn’t been forced to pass through the rivers, you wouldn’t believe in your weakness, if you hadn’t been hold in the midst of the waters, you wouldn’t have known the power of God. The more you exercise faith in affliction, the more it grows in strength, safety and intensity. Faith is precious, and the proof is beautiful too. “

My Soul adores the Lord.