Posts Tagged ‘forgiveness’

God Forgiveness

Posted: 26 September, 2011 in Sin categoría
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Sometimes I start thinking about how hard it is to forgive, but it is even harder to forgive ourselves. We fail and we ask God for forgiveness again and again, but we keep remembering that we mistake we made, that awful decision or even a worse failure that we keep making, like a terrible habit that you can't stop, and you start to feel unworthy of God's presence or forgiveness. 

You begin to cool down, if you pray 3 minutes is a lot and to that is reduced your spiritual life, you've decided it's not worth asking forgiveness to God, cause he is not going to forgive you and He is "tired" of forgiving you, do not feel bad because I've been there too. 
God specifically told me you remember this: Your sin is no longer in the records of heaven. Nor does the hard drive of any computer. Does not even appear in "deleted items". God forgot. And even forgot that He forgot. The file was deleted completely. 

Is that his grace is wonderful, if you feel tied to any sin let me tell you God forgives you completely. His mercy has no comparison in this world. 

God says in Hosea 14:4 The Lord says, 
“you have rejected me,
 but my anger is gone;
 I will heal you and love you
 without limit

Do you understand that?? God will love you even when you do not deserve it, all by his grace and his love. He has no limits!

All Glory be to the Lord!


Posted: 2 November, 2010 in Sin categoría
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I came to realize that forgiveness is a very dangerous fact. We don’t forgive so often, sometimes we even say we forgave someone but at the smallest thing we come out to say ‘I knew I shouldn’t  have forgave him/her’. And let me tell you something: You hadn’t.

So I wonder why is it so Hard to forgive others, when we are always asking for forgiveness. When it’s about God forgiveness we come to expect to be forgiven right away, “because the lord in his mercy will forgive me” but we kind of forget that those that do NOT forgive can’t be forgiven.

I ask him everyday for strength to be able to walk away from all my despicable sins. To be able to really forgive others is a priceless gift.


I Love Jesus! My soul adores you!!