Posts Tagged ‘Christ’

A new year, … new opportunities. With that thought we end and start every year, “This year I’ll finally dareto preach on the streets” “This year I will not give up so fast” “This is my year!” “It is God’s time in my life” “This year I will start with a fast of 30 days” “This year I will pray more” “This year I will not get tired until my whole family has accepted the Lord, I won’t stop praying for them”….It seems like everything starts with “this year”, because apparently all bars of dreams, goals, purposes, are reset … We have new resolutions + the above we have failed to achieve.I wonder when we will actually take that step of faith, I guess we haven’t heard enough this verse of the bible “For people,it is impossible to achieve, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).I’m going to make it clear, I will repeat the same thing they tell us… well… all the time. Words that we like, but however we do not accept ..: “God created you to do great things, to reflect His glory in you, so you’re a faithful image of its essence, to showcase his love, his blessing and share with everyone around you. “

That seems a prophecy for your life .. very beautiful .. But what if you take it as a resolution? Your purpose is to live in constant communion with God, but to achieve this we must show his love, his peace, his joy. Share these feelings, when you do that, the restwill be added.

It’s time you give that step of faith to the front, when you decide, not all will be happiness and joy, ‘cuz the enemy is lifted against you. If you found no problems now before you’ll find. Your mother, your father, your brother, your spouse, your son, … will make you angry, will point you, try to get you out of communion, .. because that is devil’s goal: to get you away from the path of God, a narrow and difficult path.

But be strong and believe, that good things will come for the ones that do so.


Posted: 2 November, 2010 in Sin categoría
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I came to realize that forgiveness is a very dangerous fact. We don’t forgive so often, sometimes we even say we forgave someone but at the smallest thing we come out to say ‘I knew I shouldn’t  have forgave him/her’. And let me tell you something: You hadn’t.

So I wonder why is it so Hard to forgive others, when we are always asking for forgiveness. When it’s about God forgiveness we come to expect to be forgiven right away, “because the lord in his mercy will forgive me” but we kind of forget that those that do NOT forgive can’t be forgiven.

I ask him everyday for strength to be able to walk away from all my despicable sins. To be able to really forgive others is a priceless gift.


I Love Jesus! My soul adores you!!

I’m taking things day by day. My Lord has proven me how much he loves me, he blessed me in one way but I also got in a awkward position today. It’s non-sense how a man over  thirties hit on a Christian underage girl.. and he is calling himself Christian. That’s why there are a lot of skeptical people about Christianity.

It’s incredible how we keep doing the same things that we were doing before we became christians,.. weren’t you called to make a change? weren’t you called to be as Jesus Christ? Examine yourself. Are you doing what you think is right? or What the lord has ordered to you?

My Soul Adores You my Lord